Thursday, July 30, 2009

july 30 2009

i had the mammogram today, they checked it with a doctor before they would let me leave, so that they could see if they needed to do more tests.
i DONT have breast cancer, adn the lymphoma is not in my breasts!! so there is good news for once

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

july 29, 09

so the supervisor called today, the old oncologist signed off on my being his patient. so YAY!!! i get to go to the oncologist that i want to.
so tomorrow i have a ct scan AND the mammogram. then i will see her and go from there

Friday, July 24, 2009

made a decision

i called and made an appt with the surgieon, i see him tues to set up to have that hatful port put back into my chest, much to my dismay. but i am scared to try to do the chemo via the veins. i dont want my veins blown out and more bruises then i already have on a reg basis.
so i see him Tues i have a mammo Thurs.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23 2009

so last night the world lost a great man named Ed. To cancer. my husband has known him all his life, my husband and Ed's son brent are best friends. it is sad that he is gone, but at least he is at peace now and no longer in pain.

i am still waiting on old oncologist. my arm still has not fully healed from surgery there is a place in the incision that is still open the arm is still swollen and numb on the underside. i hope it goes away eventually doc says it will but it has been over a month now.

Friday, July 17, 2009

STILL waiting........................

ok, so the supervisor chick called today, and said the the oncologist that i want to go to agreed to take me as a patient IF the old oncologist agrees to this **eye roll** he is on vaction till the 28th, so i will not know for sure till after that, but they did request that my medical records be sent to Dr Landon (new oncologist) so that is hopefull. they must think that the other doc will sign off on me switching. still waiting also to find out when i will have the mammogram done

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ok so i finally got ahold of the supervisor, i made them track her down she was in a meeting but talked to me anyway.
i explained why i didnt want to go back to the oncologist.
she said she would talk to the one i want to go to and talk to teh old one and then the 3 of them would make a decsion.
if they refuse to make the switch, my husband says we are going to go to MD Andersen in Houston then.
not sure how he intends to work THAT out but whatever. it is one of the best so.............
will know more either later this week or the first of next week
please pray that they let me change to doc landon


On the damn supervisor to either answer my calls or call me back, cant even make an appointment with the oncologist that i want to go to, will i talk to this woman.
damn it is frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes i know there is other patients, but hellllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooo these stupid cancer cells are mulitplying by the min and i cant do a damn thing about it since i cant get to see a doc,
they keep this shit up and we are going to say forget it and go to Houston to MD Andersen!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

july 7th, so the doc office called

Pathology finally got back to the docs office today.
it is the same cancer as before, follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma.
i had already said i was not going to go back to the oncologist, so my doc's nurse called dr landon's office to make me an appointment with her, they told the nurse that since dr landon and dr moussa (the old oncologist) are in the same group i had to talk to the supervisor and tell her why i wanted to change docs. this made me very angry, i dont feel that it is any of thier buisness why i want to change docs!!!
so i called the super and got her voice mail, big surprise. i left a message, have not gotten a call back yet at this point.
so once that is done i can get into see dr landon and decide when to start treatment, and what all we are going to do.
i also have to get scheduled for a mammogram since there are lymphnodes in your breasts, so see if it has spread to there.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


This horrible word entered my life for real in 2004. I had heard of it before, and my mom had had it in 1999 but they were able to cut it all out. It was just a small bump in our lives.
2004 came with my dad suddenly haveing numbness and one side of his face going completely slack.
So the tests started, they found a tumor in his brain, so the journey began, surgery, chemo radiation. nothing worked, he had a seizure in Aug, which completely paralized the left side of his body. he stopped his treatments. they said he would live 3 weeks, he lived till Nov 14. it was a long painful journey for him and my mom and i. my mom and i took care of him at home.

jump to 2006, from the start of the year i didnt feel right, i had 2 lymphnodes that had been large for many years and all the docs told me not to worry about them. well spring of 06 i started to have hurting bones and night sweats. then one night lying in bed i felt a small lump in my abdomin, every day i checked it and it kept getting larger and causeing pain in that area, my primary care doc put me on several rounds of antibotics. i got to where i was so tired i didnt want to get out of bed.
He finally sent me to a gynocologist, thinking it was female problems, that doc started an examin then stopped cuz it was so painful for me, then he told me that there was nothing he could do bacuase it was not female problems and he was sending me to a surgion to have that thing taken out.
so i went to the surgion. he asked me if lymphoma ran in my family, i told him i didnt even know that that was, he explained that it was cancer, i said no noone in my family had ever had that.
a week later he did surgery and removed 2 tumors from my abdomin.
a week later he called and told us that i had non-hodgkins lymphoma.
He told me that i needed to have another surgery to have a port put in my chest for chemo and made me an appointment with a oncologist. i also had to have a bone marrow test
so i had the surgery and met that oncologist in the same week, my cancer was stage 4 wide spread.
i started chemo Oct 06, i took 7 months of chemo, 1 time a month, 6 drugs.
then it showed that it was in remission, the oncologist wanted to do 1 drug 4 times a month every 6 months for the next 2 years.
Now we are in 2009, in jan my husband found a bump in my left upper arm so i asked the oncologist about it, he said it was a fatty tumor not to worry about it, but it kept growing, so i kept at him about it.
i went to see my surgieon in june to schedule a surgery to get the port taken out of my chest and asked him about the "fatty tumor" that was still growing in my arm, he too thought it was a fatty tumor as you dont have lymphnodes in that part of your body. I told him i wanted it taken out anyway, he said ok
he did the suregery a week later and took the port out of my chest, as well as the tumor out of my arm, he called the next day, pathology had called him right away and said that AGAIN it was lymphoma, now we are waiting to see what kind of lymphoma it is.